Local voters head to polls today for Issue 1


SCIOTO COUNTY- Ohio voters are heading to the polls today for Issue 1, an issue that could, if approved, change the way Ohio’s constitution can be changed at the ballot box.

Scioto County voters started early and are on pace to beat expectations for turnout for a special election, according to Board of Elections Director Julia Gearhart.

“Basically, we did have absentee and early voting and we had more than 3,000 people vote already,” she said. “For a special election that is a lot higher than we normally have for a special election. We expect a little higher turnout than we originally expected.”

As for what voters might find at their local polling place, it’s going smoothly.

“Everything was open by 6:30 and everything has been smooth so far, not heavy voting but not dead,” Gearhart said.

Polls close at 7:30 p.m.

A “Yes” vote on Issue 1 would mean the state constitution would require a 60 percent majority to make changes. A “No” vote would mean the process would stay the same and simply require a majority vote.

Those on the “Yes” side say this would protect the constitution and “ensure that any future Constitutional amendments will be determined by a strong majority of Ohioans, not special interest group looking to enrich themselves,” according to literature from VoteYesOhio.com.

The “No” side, which would again maintain the status quo for constitutional changes at the polls of majority rules, says the issue of reproductive rights would be under attack should the measure pass.

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