Local homelessness count to be overnight Tuesday


PORTSMOUTH- The annual Point in Time Count for Scioto County will begin at 8 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 23, and continue through 6 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 24. This is the one night the community comes together to survey each person experiencing sheltered or unsheltered homelessness throughout Scioto County. It is also a time during which a collaborative effort amongst local agencies is made to capture temporary and permanent housing capacity across the local housing continuum.

The activities are requirements of the Scioto County Homelessness Continuum of Care to justify decisions by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to grant federal funds to help alleviate local homelessness. Led by staff from the Scioto County Homeless Shelter, the Salvation Army, and the Scioto County Community Action Organization, a number of volunteers will work to identify persons experiencing unsheltered housing and refer them for needed assistance. The Salvation Army canteen will set up at various times and places throughout the event and have food and other giveaways for those in need. The homeless shelter will be open at the same time for referrals.

The 2024 PITC is more than a funding requirement. It is a reminder that beyond every data point collected is a person who counts. Resolving someone’s homelessness can also help maintain family stability and increase the likelihood they find or keep employment, and will likely guarantee better health outcomes for all.

Any last-minute volunteers to help with the PITC can go to the Salvation Army, 1001 Ninth St., Portsmouth, at 7 p.m., Tuesday evening for instructions and assignments. Anyone with donations of new materials for those experiencing unsheltered housing should cotnact Maureen Cadogan at (740) 353-4085.

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