

Today’s review will be a little different. We’ve been watching films together for 4 years. The review formula is pretty cut and dry for me. I will give you some random movie trivia I know or learned. I discuss the film or actors’ histories. We then dive into a mini summary, and you get the score. That won’t change. However, there are some weeks where I want to add a different context. This is one of those weeks.

I have always loved films. It’s an escape, its excitement and times…like this week. They can inspire you. I have readers say I write to you like I am talking to you, and anyone who knows me knows I like to talk, I text novels, I go on and on. ESPECIALLY when I’m excited or a really care. This film, Elemental, has a core theme. That is acceptance. On the surface we see different elements as people. Our duo here is Ember (Lewis) who’s a young fire “person” and has a temper….I may have one too and then we have Wade (Athie) who’s a young water “person.” He’s a go-with-the flow type. Pun intended. The whole world this picture has created is made up of different “people” who are different elements. Water, Wind, Fire you get the gest of it.

We have two messages here. First, are that the different elements should accept each other. BUT, the biggest, and what has inspired me. Is…. wait for it…..ACCEPTING YOURSELF. I had two friends tell me recently, there is only one me. That means, my childhood, my memories, my hard times, my good times. They are all cogs in the man I am. I hope it’s a good one. Definitely make mistakes, but it’s how/if you learn. The same can be said about you. If you’re reading this in print, on your computer, on your phone. Think about your life. YOU ARE ENOUGH. I can say that you can believe that, BUT if YOU believe it. THEN is works. The bad will still be bad, but if your core is strong everything else will work out. There will still be bad days, sure, but you’re strong.

I told you today’s column would be different.

Ok. Ok. Onto the film.

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Here’s what works:

This might be the first “love” story Pixar has ever made. It was beautiful. Yes, I am talking about people who are fire and water, but it really was great. The main cast was excellent. The leads had chemistry and made me laugh.

The animation also. GREAT. That’s standard for Pixar films.

This had humor AND heart. Not always easy.

What doesn’t work:

The plot is a little thing. We see where this is going very early, I understand and I don’t expect a classic who-dun-it but it was a flat at times.

The supporting cast is a tad forgettable.

This doesn’t change that’s is a MUST SEE for me. This is also the first review where I didn’t spoil anything!! More importantly, re read the beginning of this. Accept yourself, challenge yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. 4 ½ stars out of 5


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