
Water your plants in Fall


The next few weeks are a critical time to water your landscape, particularly your evergreen shrubs and trees. A thorough soaking during late September and October will help your trees and shrubs thrive, and may well save them from winter damage or even death.

OneOhio Recovery Foundation committed to managing Opioid Settlement Funds


As an entrepreneur from Jackson County, I’ve spent much of my professional life building businesses throughout Appalachian Ohio. Supporting the area my family and I call home has always been a priority because I’ve seen the multi-generational challenges that have stymied opportunity across our region. As my businesses grew, I became more active with local and state economic development groups, including serving on the Holzer Health Care System board, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee and Board, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Board and the JobsOhio Board.

Now is the ideal time to restore your lawn


Column Head: Now is the Ideal Time to Restore Your Lawn

Plant Bulbs Soon for Early Spring Color


Soon it will be the season to plant bulbs for early spring color. You can have a colorful garden very early next spring if you plant some bulbs right now. Early-blooming Daffodils, Hyacinths, Tulips and many other colorful bulbs will get the jump on spring and reward you with colorful gardens before the dogwoods bloom in spring. Bulbs need warm soil to build roots before winter, but if you plant in early fall there’s little danger of bulbs sprouting too early.

Planters, Pots & Containers 3: Choosing the Right Potting Soil


The key to success in container gardening is having the right “soil”, or potting mix. The potting “soil” used to grow container plants is really not soil at all. True soils are field soils that often retain too much water, have too little pore space (for oxygen), are too heavy, and potentially harbor harmful diseases, insects, and weeds. Because of these drawbacks, commercial growers never use field soils (topsoil) for growing plants in containers.

Democratic Party endorses children services tax levy


On Thursday, August 25th, the Scioto County Democratic Party unanimously voted to endorse the levy increase to fund Children Services. The funding that Scioto County presently has, takes care of only 130 children. The current number of children in care is almost 3 times that number.

Planters, Pots & Containers part 2, choosing the right decorative container


Plants grown in containers offer homeowners flexibility, whether the plants are houseplants indoors or colorful annuals on your porch or patio. Planting in containers allows you to easily move plants around, or change them out, if they don’t thrive. Tall planters allow you to garden without kneeling on the ground. Rabbits don’t nibble on container plants, and weeds don’t grow in them if you use sterile bagged potting soil.

“Back to School Blues” can be a challenge for older Ohio students


As the economy forces many adults to reboot their careers, going back to school after many years can be stressful. Here’s some advice to ease the way.

Burnside Law, Picking up the Torch


Portsmouth is a special place. In Portsmouth, Jeremy Burnside found a rare sense of community and he was so loved by everyone. For this, Jeremy moved from Cleveland to establish Burnside Law as a place where regular people could stop in, get a slap on the back, and receive top-notch legal representation for some of the most complex injury cases, against powerful insurance companies. In doing so, Burnside law became a special place, too. Jeremy brought together an exceptional team of compassionate and like-minded lawyers, driven to achieve great results for each underdog who walks through the doors of that beautiful old, converted church. In the process, Burnside Law won state and even national recognition, right here in Portsmouth. Now, Burnside Law holds distinctions in the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, the National Top 100 trial lawyers, a 10-point superb rating in Avvo, and a spot in Super Lawyers Magazine. For this reason, the Burnside name will live on forever at the law firm of Burnside Brankamp.

OPINION: Reindustrialization Project presents enormous opportunity for Ohio workers, families and communities

Throughout Ohio, communities have experienced job loss and deepening economic hardship with changes to energy production and declines in manufacturing over the last several...


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